Residential Land / Plots for sale in Velandipalayam

875 Sq.Ft Land for sale in Velandipalayam

875 Sq.Ft Land for sale in Velandipalayam

OPP TO AVILA CONVENT, Velandipalayam, Coimbatore
  • Property Type
  • Plot Area
  • Price
Residential Land
875 Sq.Ft
40 L *

This property in Velandipalayam comes with 875 sq ft in size . it 's OPP TO AVILA CONVENT.

₹4571 / sqft

North Facing

Ramesh Babu V
2960 Sq.Ft Land for sale in Saibaba Colony

2960 Sq.Ft Land for sale in Saibaba Colony

Near nsr road, Saibaba Colony, Coimbatore
  • Property Type
  • Plot Area
  • Price
Residential Land
2960 Sq.Ft
2.03 Cr. *

6.75 land for sale in saibaba colony Coimbatore South facing Bore, drinking water, EB available Suitable for construct villas, bunglow type house Located in prime area

₹6858 / sqft

South Facing

Subash v
14 Cents Land for sale in R S Puram

14 Cents Land for sale in R S Puram

Seetharam hospital, R S Puram, Coimbatore
  • Property Type
  • Plot Area
  • Price
Residential Land
14 Cents
5 Cr. *

14 cent Land with building available for sale in R S Puram

₹3571429 / sqft

Darvesh A
5 Cents Land for sale in Koundampalayam

5 Cents Land for sale in Koundampalayam

Behind Dhool Mart, Koundampalayam, Coimbatore
  • Property Type
  • Plot Area
  • Price
Residential Land
5 Cents
80 L *

Property is negotiable. This plot present in Koundampalayam comes with 5 cents.

₹1600000 / sqft

East Facing

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